Automate WordPress bbPress and Sharepoint Online List tasks using Wpintegrate

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Ways to Connect WordPress bbPress and Sharepoint Online List
Why the best apps are better together.
WordPress bbPress and Sharepoint Online List
WordPress bbPress and Sharepoint Online List
WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress. Easily setup discussion forums inside your powered siteA list in SharePoint Online is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize items, create calendars, to-do lists, and time lines.
Supported Triggers and Actions for Integration
1. Select a Trigger
New Comment
Triggered when you add a new comment.
New Taxonomy
Triggered when you add a new category, tag or custom taxonomy.
Any Webhook
Using the HookPress plugin, trigger off of pretty much anything!
New Post Type
Triggered when you add a new post type!
New Post
Triggered when you add a new post.
New Comment Status
Triggers when a new comment status is created
New Category
Triggered when you add a new category.
New Post Format
Triggered when a new post format is created.
New Author
Triggered when a new author is added.
New Post Status
Triggered when a new post status is added.
New Media
Triggered when new media is uploaded.
When an item is created
Triggers when an item is created.
When an item is created or modified
Triggers when an item is created, and also each time it is modified.
When an item is deleted
Triggers when an item is deleted in a list
2. Select a Action
Upload Media
Upload a new media file, which can be used as featured media.
Create Post
Create a new post, including the status allowing the creation of drafts.
Get lists
Gets SharePoint lists from a site.
Get list views
Gets views from a SharePoint list.
Get items
Gets items from a SharePoint list.
Get item
Gets a single item by its id from a SharePoint list.
Create item
Creates a new item in a SharePoint list.
Delete item
Deletes an item from a SharePoint list.
Add attachment
Adds a new attachment to the specified list item.
Get attachments
Returns the list of attachments for the specified list item. You can add a "Get attachment content" step and use the "File identifier" property returned by this action to get to the contents of the file.
Update item
Updates an item in a SharePoint list.