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WordPress Posts

Automate WordPress Posts tasks using Wpintegrate

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    WordPress Posts

    Supported Triggers and Actions for Integration

    1. Select a Trigger

    • New Post

      Triggered when you add a new post.

    • Published post

      Triggered when a post is published.

    • New Post Format

      Triggered when a new post format is created.

    • New Post

      Triggered when you add a new post.

    • Published post

      Triggered when a post is published.

    • New Post Format

      Triggered when a new post format is created.

    2. Select a Action

    • Create Post

      Create a new post, including the status allowing the creation of drafts.

    • When I upload a new media

      Operation ID: OnMyNewMedia This operation is triggered when a new media is posted to my feed.

    • Create Post

      Create a new post, including the status allowing the creation of drafts.

    • When I upload a new media

      Operation ID: OnMyNewMedia This operation is triggered when a new media is posted to my feed.

    3. Create and Synchronize

    Our integration services combine Triggers (like “New Order”) and Actions (like “Create Order”) to complete an action in one application when a trigger occurs in another application. Save time and money. Have us help you today!


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