Twitter is the social network that shows what’s happening around the world in real time. Share your ideas in Tweets, follow hashtags to keep up with trends, and join in the global conversation.
Automate Twitter tasks using Wpintegrate

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Twitter is the social network that shows what’s happening around the world in real time. Share your ideas in Tweets, follow hashtags to keep up with trends, and join in the global conversation.
Twitter is the social network that shows what’s happening around the world in real time. Share your ideas in Tweets, follow hashtags to keep up with trends, and join in the global conversation.
1. Select a Trigger
When a new tweet is posted
This operation triggers a flow when a new tweet that matches a given search query is posted.
2. Select a Action
Get followers
This operation gets the list of users that follow a given user.
Get following
The operation gets the list of people the given user follows.
Get home timeline
This operation gets the most recent tweets and re-tweets posted by me and my followers.
Get my followers
This operation gets the list of users who are following me.
Get my following
This operation gets the list of users that I am following.
Get user
This operation gets the profile details for a given user, such as user name, description, followers count, and more.
Post a tweet
This operation posts a new tweet.
Search tweets
This operation gets a list of relevant tweets matching the search query.