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Microsoft Bookings for WordPress – Shortcode

[ o365_ms_booking_view]
Booking businessID can be grabbed from the Microsoft booking page, here is the screenshot for more clarification

Parameter Description Example Required Default
businessid office 365 booking business ID businessid="[email protected]" X
template PHP template name to show the data template="long_form_tpl.php" X
userbinding To show the data guest or logged in user userbinding="yes" no
time_diff Time Difference in minutes to adjust the meetings time_diff="-300" if your time is Pacific/Auckland +12 then please add time_diff=”720″ (60*12) X 0
timeformat Time format in 12 or 24 hours timeformat="12" X 24
is_workflow Send booking data to endpoint, instead of microsoft booking is_workflow="yes" no
workflow_url Send booking data on given url workflow_url=""
accept_payment Accept payment via stripe accept_payment=”yes” no
text_overwrite Overwrite the text/labels used in the interface. text_overwrite='{"select_service": "","anyone": "","select_time": "","add_your_details": "","submit_button_txt": "", "message":"", "your_name":"", "creditordebitcard":"", "message_heading":"","address_here": "","thank_you_message":"","slot_not_available":"Er is geen consultatie vrij op deze dag. Gelieve een andere dag te selecteren.","phone":"+32 473 65 23 89","email":"[email protected]","minutes":"minuten"}'
cal_locale Specify the locale used by the calendar section. cal_locale="es" en
aboveservice Show content or custom fields before services section. Custom input fields shoud have class=”o365_ms_booking_customfield” this class and data-name=”Type of appointment” can be also used as input key aboveservice="templatename.php"
belowservice Show content or custom fields after services section. Custom input fields shoud have class=”o365_ms_booking_customfield” this class and data-name=”Type of appointment” can be also used as input key belowservice="templatename.php"
belowstaffavail Show content or custom fields after staff section. Custom input fields shoud have class=”o365_ms_booking_customfield” this class and data-name=”Type of appointment” can be also used as input key belowstaffavail="templatename.php"
belowcontactdetail Show content or custom fields after contact form section. Custom input fields shoud have class=”o365_ms_booking_customfield” this class and data-name=”Type of appointment” can be also used as input key belowcontactdetail="templatename.php"
customsubmit Show content or custom fields after submit button. Custom input fields shoud have class=”o365_ms_booking_customfield” this class and data-name=”Type of appointment” can be also used as input key customsubmit="templatename.php"
show_service_image show_service_image parameter is used to show custom images. If show_service_image=”yes” then you need to put service images in the theme folder, /wp-content/themes/your-theme/o365-display/ms-booking/assets/businessid/. All the service images should have exact name of service. show_service_image="yes" no
showbusinessinfo Show business information below the booking page. showbusinessinfo="yes" no
showtimezone Show timezone below the service with date. showtimezone="yes" yes
default_service Set default service for this booking page.(multiple services supported) default_service="serviceid1,serviceid2,serviceid3"
booking_default_selected_service Set default selected service for this booking page. default_service="serviceid1"
default_staff Allowed staff for WordPress page. Multiple staff supported, staffids should be comma separated. default_staff="staffid"
is_redirect Is booking page redirected to other page after successfull booking. is_redirect="yes|no" no
redirect_url Redirected URL for redirection after successfull booking. The page will only redirect if is_redirect is YES. redirect_url="url"
firstday Starting day of the booking calendar. 0 => Sunday, 1 => Monday, …. and so on firstday="0" 0
timezone This timezone is Required. it will calculate DST time difference if any. List of supported timezone timezone="America/New_York" X America/New_York
hourdiff Daylight time difference. hourdiff="-1" -1
location_online Send meeting link in mail location_online="true" false

Template customization
Plugin templates can be found here: wp-content/plugins/o365-wp-ms-booking/templates/views
A custom template can be uploaded to theme folder also, here is the folder path: wp-content/themes/your-theme/o365-display/ms-booking/views/
Please change the your-theme name with your currently active theme name.

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