Automate Toolset Plugin and Sharepoint Online List tasks using Wpintegrate

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Ways to Connect Toolset Plugin and Sharepoint Online List
Why the best apps are better together.
Toolset Plugin and Sharepoint Online List
Toolset Plugin and Sharepoint Online List
Toolset is the WordPress Plugins that let you build extraordinary sites based on custom post types and custom fields without writing PHP. It gives you the flexibility of custom development, with the convenience of drag-and-drop and modular design. With Toolset plugins, you're not limited to the features of a theme or a dedicated plugin. You will be able to build advanced custom functionality, quickly and easily, without programming. Toolset has everything you need to build custom listing, directory, membership and e-commerce sites yourself.A list in SharePoint Online is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize items, create calendars, to-do lists, and time lines.
Supported Triggers and Actions for Integration
1. Select a Trigger
User field added
Triggered when a new custom field added to user profile.
User field updated
Triggered when an existing user profile field is updated.
Custom taxonomy created
Triggered when a custom taxonomy term created.
Custom taxonomy deleted
Triggered when a custom taxonomy by toolset plugin is deleted.
When an item is created
Triggers when an item is created.
When an item is created or modified
Triggers when an item is created, and also each time it is modified.
When an item is deleted
Triggers when an item is deleted in a list
2. Select a Action
Add custom post type
Creates custom post type or own data types to WordPress sites.
Delete custom post type
Deletes custom post type or user data types from WordPress sites.
Get lists
Gets SharePoint lists from a site.
Get list views
Gets views from a SharePoint list.
Get items
Gets items from a SharePoint list.
Get item
Gets a single item by its id from a SharePoint list.
Create item
Creates a new item in a SharePoint list.
Delete item
Deletes an item from a SharePoint list.
Add attachment
Adds a new attachment to the specified list item.
Get attachments
Returns the list of attachments for the specified list item. You can add a "Get attachment content" step and use the "File identifier" property returned by this action to get to the contents of the file.
Update item
Updates an item in a SharePoint list.