The Microsoft Graph Toolkit includes a collection of web components for the most commonly built experiences powered by Microsoft Graph APIs.
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Microsoft Graph Toolkit
The Microsoft Graph Toolkit includes a collection of web components for the most commonly built experiences powered by Microsoft Graph APIs.
Microsoft Graph Toolkit
The Microsoft Graph Toolkit includes a collection of web components for the most commonly built experiences powered by Microsoft Graph APIs.
1. Select a Trigger
2. Select a Action
A Login component is a button and flyout control to facilitate Microsoft identity platform authentication.
The person component also uses the mgt-person-card to display a flyout card with additional information about the user.
A Person-Card component is a responsive component to display more information related to a person.
You can use the mgt-people web component to display a group of people or contacts by using their photos or initials.
You can use the mgt-people-picker web component to search for people and/or groups.
The mgt-agenda web component represents events in a user or group calendar.
The Tasks component enables the user to view, add, remove, complete, or edit tasks from Microsoft Planner.
You can use mgt-get to make any GET query from Microsoft Graph directly in your HTML.
The To Do component is used to enable the signed-in user to view, add, remove, complete, and/or edit tasks from Microsoft To Do using the To Do API in Microsoft Graph.
A you can use the mgt-teams-channel-picker component to enable searches for Microsoft Teams channels associated with a user.