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WP to AD B2C Sync setup

Who knew syncing WP users to Azure AD B2C was so easy? If you’re sick and tired of manually registering your bloggers every time they post (which can be a pain), then get this machine to do it for you. Let the ADB2C workflow help you sync WP user registrations to our Azure ADB2C in just seconds!

User can be synced to ADB2C

  • When users Register using WordPress
  • When user Register using woocommerce
  • When they placed order using WooCommerce

Steps to setup the automation:

Install webhook plugins (Webhooks base and Webhooks and REST API Manager – Users)

Create Webhook “On User Registration”

Select the fields those you wants to sync

Import the “AD B2C User Data Sync” and “site config” flow

Map the fields and update site config flow url in Ad B2C User Data Sync flow and it will sync the user data to AD B2C when webhook trigger

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