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Microsoft 365 Planner Task and Todo Shortcode

To Show the login button using Microsoft graph toolkit
[ m365_mgt_login_button appid=”65913b83-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2250c6dfd2f3″ tenant_id=”b7e28bed-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-ffb159f2634c” redirect_url=”pageurl” client_area_url=”pageurl” signed_in_button=”Private Client Area”]

To Show the task view using Microsoft graph toolkit
[o365_tasks id=”tasklist1″ template=”ms_tasks.php” group_id=” read_only=”true/false” initial_id=” hide_header=’true/false’ data_source=’planner’ hide_options=” target_id=”]

  • read_only: A Boolean to set the task interface to be read only (no adding or removing tasks). Default is false.
  • initial_id=”folder_id”: A string ID to set the initially displayed folder to the provided ID.
  • hide_header: A Boolean to show or hide the header of the component. Default is false.
  • hide-options: A Boolean to show or hide the options in tasks. Default is false.
  • target-id=”folder_id”: A string ID to lock the tasks interface to the provided folder ID.

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